Kashmir needs serious attention of world community, Says AJK’s PM Farooq Haider


Raja Farooq Haider Khan| European Parliament | Seminar EU Week 2017 in Brussels Belgium
Brussels (PR)
The Azad Prime Minister of Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Raja Farooq Haider said, Kashmir is an international issue and it needs serious attention of international communities.
He was addressing a seminar titled, “The Internatiaonl Community and Protection of Human Rights in South Asia” in connection with annual Kashmir EU Week organized by Kashmir Council EU at European parliament in Brussels.
The seminar was also addressed by Senior Misiter AJK Ch Tariq Farooq, Chairman Kashmir Council Europe Ali Raza Syed, former EU’s Ambassador Anthony Crasner, Member Brussels Parliament Dr Zahoor Manzoor and lady Councilor in Brussels Shazia Manzoor.
AJK’s PM Raja Farooq Haider further said, Kashmir is long standing issue and world community should listen to the voices of Kashmir at least they initially should stop human rights violations in Indian Held Kashmir.
He added, there are a number of international resolutions including UN resolutions on Kashmir issue but unfortunately major powers of the world are silent on the dispute.
The AJK’s Prime Minister called upon United Nations to implement its resolutions for an impartial plebiscite in the region of Kashmir, so Kashmiris could be able to decide about their future in an independent atmosphere.
Raja Farooq Haider also suggested exchange of delegations between Kashmir and European Union as saying if people from Europe visit both parts of Kashmir, they will easily understand the situation exist in the region. As well as experts from Kashmir specially young scholars can make worthwhile awareness on Kashmir issue in Europe.
On a suggestion, he said, off course beside the western world, we should also approach other major powers like China and Russia and as well as reputable countries like South Africa for securing their support on Kashmir issue.
Addressing the seminar, AJK’s senior minister Ch Tariq Farooq said, miseries of the Kashmiris because of crimes against humanity in occupied Kashmir are going on without any hurdle. It is the issue of human rights and cause of right of self-determination but world is silent on this problem.
The senior minster added, Kashmiris are basic party of the issue and any resolution with out Kashmiris is not sustainable and acceptable by the Kashmiris.
Terming EU as an important international forum, the minister called upon the Union to play its effective role on Kashmir issue.
Chairman Kashmir  Council EU Ali Raza Syed said, beside friends of Kashmiris, we should also talk to the Indian friend states and convinced them that India is involved in severe violation of human rights of the Kashmiris. We should also tell them that India even is denying their right of self determination for a long time.
He added, we have to use new methods and innovative trends to make awareness on Kashmir issue in the world. Mr Ali Raza Syed also suggested demilitarization of Kashmir region and called EU and other world forums to ask India to withdraw its forces from Kashmir.
Member Brussels Parliament Dr Zahoor Manzoor said, a large number of the people have been killed by the Indian forces in occupied Kashmir and thousands of the people are missing as they were forcedly disappeared by the occupation forces.
Human Rights activist Zafar Ahmad Qureshi, Searcher Syed Sibtain Shah, President EU-Pakistan Press Club Brussels Ch Imran Saqib, PhD scholar Roushan Akbar, Atiqur Rehan, Ms Afra Bokhari and Ms Hellia Nezari, Umar Ahmad and others also spoke on the occasion.
A number of the people from different walks of life including EU officials, intellectuals and experts of different fields attended the seminar moderated by former ambassador of European Union Mr Anthony Crasner.
The annual Kashmir EU Week events were started on Monday, 9th October and would be continued till Thursday, 12th October  at EU parliament in Brussels.
Kashmir Council EU along with a number of organizations and individuals organizes the annual program which is hosted by MEP Sajjad Karim at the parliament.

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